
Friday, October 28, 2011

Watering Can Love

A clean and simple entry for this week's Unity Friends With Flair blog hop.  I used 3 different KOMs for this card as well as the colours from last week's Play Date Cafe challenge.  The green can is from the November 2010 KOM - Picture Perfect, the yellow can is from July 2009 - Pocket Full Of... and the sentiment if from July 2010 - Happily Ever After.  A real blast from the past card!  

And I thought I'd share a couple of pictures from home.  We've had some really high tides this month and the dock has been disappearing underwater almost every day!  

Even the little island out in the bay has been getting almost completely swallowed up! 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI, (Old Olive, Daffodil Delight) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Green can from Nov 2010 KOM - Picture Perfect, Yellow can  from July 2009 KOM - A Pocket Full Of..., Sentiment from July 2010 KOM - Happily Ever After) Unity Stamp Co.
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko, (Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up

Embossing Powder (Clear) Ranger


  1. This made me smile... so cute and creative....

  2. I love your card, simple and perfect! hugs xo

  3. Love this card! Those watering cans are adorable--sooo creative :)

  4. What an adorable card!! It's so fun, love it!!
    Beautiful photos too, such a lovely view from your home.

  5. Adorable card! Who would have thought that watering cans could be so CUTE?!!!

  6. Super cute CAS card! Great photos too.

  7. Arrr bless them, love how they are gently touching ;) Great fun card Jen and I enjoyed looking at the pictures...I really would love to visit!
    Jenny x

  8. Aren't these two just perfect together? So sweet and gentle together! And aren't you the MOST creative cardmaker? This is wonderful!

  9. Nothing I like better than a perfectly designed CAS card... and this is one for sure! Love the two watering cans and they look great embossed that way.

  10. Love the clean look of your card. Well designed!

  11. Such a cute idea using the watering cans!

  12. Totally cute watering cans--I love this pretty CAS card!!

  13. Love your adorable card Jen - so cute.

    You may be getting some high tides, but that water looks so beautiful, great for swimming :)

  14. Love the watering cans with a perfect sentiment...and wow the pictures of the water are stunning!

  15. Super cute idea! I hope those pups of yours don't get washed away!

  16. So cute! Love the kraft paper and the colors of the watering cans! So clever!

  17. Adorable card!! fun idea!! and wow your photos are so beautiful - I'm sure high tide is not good but you live in a beautiful area!

  18. Your card is darling, but your view is PERFECT!!

  19. Very cute card! The hugging watering cans made me chuckle!
    Such a nice view you have!

  20. Aww how sweet is that? And really...unity can come out with 30 different watering can stamps and we'd want them all! ;)

  21. I would never have thought to marry off a pair of watering cans... what a fun card idea!
    Your photos are amazing, hope the water doesn't get any higher!

  22. Cahute card, Jen!
    Love the photos of home...still looks very peaceful and beautiful.

  23. I love the idea of the watering cans in love - they look like they're holding hands :) Super cute!
    And *whoa* on the water - I'd be freaking out!!! It sure looks gorgeous, though, especially compared with the near-zero freezing cold rain we have today :)

  24. it's so nice to see some of your home even if it is under water! it looks absolutely idyllic, no wonder the dogs need life jackets :) the cute is so cute, the water cans are very symbolic of marriage don't you think!

  25. This is just the kraft cardstock background!

  26. Adorable card! Those rising waters are scary!

  27. I totally just pinned this card because it is the cutest thing ever!! Now it is my mission to find two watering can stamps of my own...

    Those are some crazy tides! What happens when it's a full moon?!?!


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