
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hey There

***This is my 2nd post of the day.  Please click here for my Moxie Fab/Lily Pad/Wee Memories post.***

This Colour Throwdown colour combo seems to be popular this week but I guess that's not surprising with Halloween on the way.  However, I've tried hard to not make Halloween cards with these.  I don't have many Halloween images anyway so it wasn't too hard to avoid it.  Instead, I went for a Unity image and a PTI sentiment.  My white ColourBox ink didn't work as well as the last time I used it so I ended going over the sentiment with a coloured pencil.  I'd have embossed it but my embossing powder is still at Bermuda Customs awaiting release.  *Sigh*  Hopefully they'll be gentler with it than they were with Amy's card.
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill Basics, (Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, Rich Razzleberry, Basic Black) Stampin' Up

Stamps:  (Image  from September 2011 KOM - All Seasons) Unity Stamp Co, (Sentiment from Big & Bold Wishes) PTI
Ink:  (VersaMark) Tsukineko, (Frost White) ColourBox, (
Old Olive, Pumpkin Pie, Rich Razzleberry) Stampin' Up

Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger
Gems:  Doodlebug Designs
Copics:  YR04, G99
Other:  (PC938) Prismacolour pencil, Sharpie


  1. awesome job on the color combo!

  2. So pretty! I love the effect of the rich colours and white sentiment on the black. Nice!

  3. I think it looks fabulous! The sentiment seems bold enough where filling in with a colored pencil wouldn't take too long, right?

  4. Fantastic! Love the pop of vivid colors against the black background. Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  5. Never would have thought of using these colors like this, Jen~FABULOUS card, Sweetie!

  6. Just perfect Jen! I love the gems that match those beautiful tiles.

  7. Fabulous! This is awesome Jen!

  8. I always avoid these colour combos ... because they look so Halloween ... and Halloween isn't my thing. But ... you have given me a new perspective! Stunning, Jen! Hugs xx

  9. What a fantastic use of "Halloween" colors! I didn't even try this challenge because I am done with Halloween...I just don't have your creativity to make this a different type of card. Your card is so stylish - the colors are so rich together without a hint of Halloween!

  10. The colors totally pop against the black cardstock, great job! :)

  11. Great layout and I loved that you used these colors for something other than a Halloween card!

  12. Excellent use of the colors! What a great CAS card! Thanks so much for playing along in the Color Throwdown this week!

  13.'s not surprising they're holding onto a jar of white powder at customs! you may not have much left by the time they finish checking it out!
    Love how you used this colour combo and the off centred pattern is a fab design too :)
    Jenny x

  14. Jenny's comment made me laugh! You had better buy a big jar next time! Your card is fab and love how you have used the colours in a non-halloweeny way!

  15. I don't know what image you used from the Unity Kit but now I want it! I love how you used those colours.

  16. I love how you used that KOM stamp. I love it but wasn't sure how I wanted to use it. Thanks for the great idea!!!

  17. isn't it funny how once you KNOW something's on the way you can't stand not having it??
    I find I'll go months without using something, but find out that you've run out when you aren't looking & then it's the only darn thing you want to use. Currently for me that would be yellow rhinestones, lol.
    I love this layout & the perfect gems here :)

  18. Oh, great non-Halloween card using those Halloween colors!

    Don't those customs people know how IMPORTANT that embossing powder is?!? And if they thought Amy was trying to smuggle something through, what are they going to think about a canister of white powder?!?

  19. GORGEOUS!! I love the design/LO you used. I hope that e.p. comes through soon!


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