
Friday, September 2, 2011

Wag Wag

I love this cute Unity dog stamp and I often pair it with this sentiment from Hero Arts.  I decided to use them for ColourQ's 100th challenge.  They've paired up with the Clean and Simple Stamping challenge this week.  We were give a CAS sketch and could choose any past colour combo from ColourQ to use with it.  Talk about overwhelmed by choice!!  I spent ages perusing the past colour palettes but finally settled on CQC #88 which I thought would go nicely with the pooch.  My awesome Stampin' Up demonstrator, Selene, recently sent me the new catalog/idea book and included with it some gorgeous cards and a selection of ribbons and buttons.  So sweet of her!  There was some Cherry Cobbler ribbon in there (which Lynn has raved about more then once!) which was perfect for my card and I see more of it in my future - once the shopping ban ends.  :(  

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Kraft) PTI, (Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Cherry Cobbler, Very Vanilla) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Dog) Unity, (Sentiment) Hero Arts, (Large paw print) All Night Media, (Small paw print) Bouji
Ink:   (Tuxedo Black) Memento, (Early Espresso) Stampin' Up
Copics:  Y28, R37
Impression Plate:  (Linen & Canvas) PTI
Ribbon:  Stampin' Up
Dies:  Spellbinders Nesabilities Large Standard Circles

Punches:  (1" circle) EK Success, (3/4" circle) Marvy Uchida, (bone) Craft Supply


  1. What a cutie Jen! All the challenges seem to be giving us choices lately - my poor brain can hardly cope! Vx

  2. Self imposed shopping ban? Your card is adorable! I think you should sell some cards where you work, this cutie would fly off the shelves!

  3. Great sentiment!! I love what you have done with the layout!

  4. Cute card, Jen! Love the colors you chose and how you used them. Thanks for joining us for the 100th challenge at the ColourQ.

  5. such a CUTE card, love the little pup and the color choice is spot on!

  6. Shopping ban??? What is the world!? I need to do that too! And this card is so stinking cute...I love it...and of course, the Cherry Cobbler ribbon....swoon!

  7. Adorable card! The paw prints and bones are both such a fun touch :)

  8. Brilliant card Jen, he's one cute pooch and the colour combo is perfect for him too :)
    Love the tiny bones on the ribbon :)
    Jenny x

  9. So cute and what a great sentiment! Those bones on the ribbon are just too cute!

  10. I like that little puppy, too, and these colours are perfect for him! Great card.

  11. Awww, he's so cute!! I love this card. :-)

  12. Super cute and fun card, Jen!!! Thank you so much for playing with our 100th challenge at the colourQ!

  13. Super cute card Jen - those little bones are so fun! Thanks for joining us at ColourQ this week.

  14. While I'm more of a kitty person, I think this card is totally cute! I especially like the sentiment :)

  15. Great choice of colours and what an adorable design! Clever embellies! Hugs xxaxx

  16. Hee hee! Super cute pup! I love your interpretation of the colors. So what's up with the shopping ban? That's when you start seeing everything good ;)

  17. Totally, TOTALLY cute!! This is such a well designed card, it made me gasp! LOVE it!

  18. HAHA, I'm with the others. Shopping ban? What on earth... LOL I love this though. You should definitely make a batch of cards to sell at the office, not just to the employees but to customers! ;)


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