
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hello Card, Goodbye Chicken

***This is my third post for today!  Please scroll down to see what else I've been up to!***

This week at Lawnscaping we're getting texty!  I used stamps from two LF sets for this card - the phone and "Hello" from Just My Type and I spelled out the Blah blah blahs with Harold's ABCs.  I used this fun colour combo from this week's Picture Perfect Creations challenge and I'm also going to enter this card in the Simon Says Stamp Anything Goes challenge.

I kind of felt like I should be making a sympathy card today because last night Atticus caught his first (and hopefully last!) chicken.  There aren't too many places you can go in Bermuda without running into feral chickens or feral cats.  (And yes, they often hang out together!)  This includes our evening walking route.  The boys always make a mighty effort to get ahold of a chicken but usually their leashes are not quite long enough and the chickens are too quick.  Last night however Atti disappeared into the bushes and reappeared with a hen in his mouth!  Of course, once he had it he didn't seem to know what to do with it and dropped it pretty quickly.  It was still alive but not in good shape.  I would have driven it to work to have it euthanised but as Luis pointed out it might not make it that long (30 minutes not including us getting back home to the car) and I didn't want it to suffer any longer than necessary.  Luckily, Luis grew up on a farm and so knew how to take care of it quickly.  I know dogs are hunters and it's in their nature and I wasn't angry at Atti but I still felt pretty bad for the chicken.  And the dogs will be on much shorter leashes this evening!

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (White) Bazzill, (Calypso Coral, Old Olive, Basic Black) Stampin' Up
Stamps:  (Image & sentiment from Just My Type, Letters from Harold's ABCs) Lawn Fawn
Inks:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black, Memento Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko
Dies:  (Nesties Standard Circles Large) Spellbinders
Impression Plate:  (Linen) PTI
Copics:  R02, R05


  1. Sounds like your dog is bringing out his dog side! What a fun card, I really like your color choices.

  2. Holy moly...that was an eventful walk! Love your card...the colors are fabulous and the blah, blah, blah makes me laugh. And I spy a PTI linen impression plate...which you know I love!

  3. Gorgeous card :-) I love this Lawn fawn image and the simple design is fab :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge :-)
    Lols x x x

  4. Awesome card Jen! Such a funny 'blah blah' sentiment, I'm also becoming very fond of that embossed background!

  5. Awesome card Jen! Such a funny 'blah blah' sentiment, I'm also becoming very fond of that embossed background!

  6. Love the 'blah blah blah' bkgd Jen, Cool card my friend :)
    Sounds like our mutt....hasn't the first clue what to do with their catch! I bet Atticus dives in the same bush this evening :)
    Jenny x

  7. What an eventful walk! Your text background is great! It really made me laugh!!! Great card. Thanks so much for playing along with us Lawnscaping gals!

  8. Wow, I've got to say that I'm really glad so far I've only had to pull Abby off of already-dead stuff. I know that I could take care of a seriously injured bird or something if I HAD to, but wow, I don't want to have to. If that makes sense!
    Love the 'blah' as a background - totally perfect!

  9. OMGOSH, I totally love the "blah, blah, blah" background stamp! LOL...awesome card - thanks for playing at Picture Perfect Creations this week!

  10. Wow, you were a busy blogger yesterday! That blah blah strip is perfect.

  11. Awwww! Thank goodness for men and their ability to get things done. Even though I know it was for the best I couldn't have done it!

    Fabulous card! LOVE that blah blah blah background!!

  12. Okay, I cannot believe that your dog went into a bush and came out with a chicken. Feral cats and chickens? Sounds pretty scary! LOL!

    The card is *so* much fun!! Love the color combo and the "blah blah" background.

  13. Boy oh Boy do I ever need that stamp some days...:LOL. Way to use the color combo this week and I love your CAS it rocks. Thanks for playing PPC this week with us hope to see you next week too.


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