
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happily Ever After

Another combo sketch today!  This card uses the colours from The Colour Throwdown and the sketch from Lily Pad Cards. Also, it's the first time these two stamps have seen ink so that makes it eligible for Use It Tuesday's challenge to use a previously uninked stamp.  Nothing too wild and crazy going on here but I think it may be my first window card - or at least, the first one in a really long time.  Must check out the archives...    
Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Pacific Point, Cherry Cobbler, Basic Black) Stampin' Up, (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Image & sentiment from July 2010 KOM - Happily Ever After) Unity Stamp Co
Ink:  ( VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko
Gems:  Craft Supplies for Less
Die:  (Nestabilities Standard Circles Large) Spellbinders
Punch:  (2" circle) Marvy Uchida


  1. the text behind those love birds!

  2. whatta excellent mix of challenges...FAB card!

  3. So cute! That birdie stamp was made for that layout!

  4. Cute take on the sketch, and you always handle color challenges so well! Great card.

  5. I love a good window card. Love the bird/text looks so good framed like that! BTW, are you in natural light (not you at this second, you taking the pic)? The black and kraft (two colors I struggle to photo) look really good.

  6. So, so cute! I love multi-purpose sentiments, and this one would be great for so many lovey occasions. And how cute are those birds?

  7. This is so cute! I love those little birdies!

  8. Adorable! Love how you have used the challenge colours, and the window works perfectly with those gorgeous birds!

  9. If it is a first, it's so perfectly executed Jen. Love the texty background for the birds :)
    Jenny x

  10. What a sweet card! Brilliant to make the circle into a window... I may have to steal, er, be inspired by that idea. :P Perfect use of the challenge colours, too.

  11. Love your card...I'm a huge fan of clean lines!! Glad you took the UIT challenge this week to use an uninked stamp!!

  12. yay what a cute Images and lovely color combo....nice using the sketch...I am join the Lily Pad challenge too, my card is number 37 would you mind to see my Blog...many thanks before, hugs, Monika

  13. Wonderful the window design and how you incorporated the sketch. The birds and text stamp is adorable! Thanks so much for playing with us at Lily Pad Cards!

  14. Oooh ... scary colour combo ... but you have nailed it! Great balance and lotsa fun! Hugs xxaxx

  15. Great idea to make the circle element into a window, Jen, and those little birds and hearts are so cute! Thanks so much for playing with us at Lily Pad Cards!

  16. Hey Girl! Just wanted to be sure you got the email from Inlinkz that the Froggy chose YOUR card as our winner! :) Just email me at UseItTuesday {at} gmail {dot} com so we can get your Guest DT spot set up. :)


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