
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feast or Famine

**This is my second post of the day.  Please scroll down for my CAS-ual Fridays post**

It really is feast or famine around here.  No posts for days and then 2 in one go.  Typical!  This is a dual challenge card using embossing for the Lawnscaping challenge and the colour palette from the Paper Players challenge.  Pretty self explanatory I think so I won't spell it all out except to say that the letters are in the order of the letters on the keyboard.  Yes, I am a geek.  A geek who is off to make another batch of the chunky twix cookies she discovered on Kirsty's blog today.  You must try them - they are amazing!!!  (If I'm gonna get fatter I'm taking you all down with me!!!)

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  (Rich Razzleberry, Basic Grey, Old Olive) Stampin' Up, (White) Bazzill
Stamps:  (Image  & sentiment from Just My Type, Letters from Smitty's ABCs) Lawn Fawn
Ink:  (VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black) Tsukineko, (Old Olive (Stampin' Up)
Embossing Powder:  (Clear) Ranger
Impression Plate:  PTI
Die:  (Nestabilities Standard Circles Large) Spellbound
Corner Punch:  Marvy Uchida


  1. What a fun card! These colours end up looking really good together the way you've used them!

  2. Are the Lawn Fawn stamps new for you? Better watch out-they too are addicting. Love your card and the colors!

  3. Love the texture you created with this card...and! I love that you put the letters in typewriter order! Perfection!

    I'm a feast or famine girl too...I create a ton on the weekend and then schedule by posts for each week day...

  4. nice work...lovin' that color combo!

  5. what a fun card and love that embossed background.

  6. love the vintage feel of this card, that typewriter is so cute ... so excited to see i'm not the only one getting fatter on twix cookies!

  7. Soooo cute. Loving that embossed background and the colors scheme here! Simply fab! So glad you played along with us!!!!

  8. What a fun card! I love the typewriter panel! Cute all around! Thanks for playing with the Paper Players this week!

  9. I love this Jen! Such a fresh take on our colors this week and the layout is fabulous. Love the off-set circle, the texture and how cool that the letters are in typewriter order! Such a great detail. Thanks so much for sharing your creation with us at The Paper Players!

  10. Modern and awesome! Love the clean layout!

  11. Very cool! Love that texture! Thanks so much for playing with us at Lawnscaping!

  12. What a fab card Jen! Love how graphic it is, love the colours, the texture... oh everything! Probably best if I don't even glance at the recipe for those yummy sounding cookies! Vx

  13. What a cute image ... Jen! This is a fun card! xxaxx

  14. I LOVE this card, Jen! I've always wanted that LF stamp set, love the cute typewriter, and your strip across the card with the letters is a PERFECT accent! Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog :)

  15. Lovin those rich colours Jen and that IP is cool too. How else could you have laid out those letters!!!, brilliant idea :)
    Jenny x

  16. Another awesome card Jen! I adore the colours you chose and the layout looks perfectly balanced! LOVE it!

  17. What an adorable clean and simple card! I love it! Thanks for playing with The Paper Players!

  18. Great take on the color challenge! I love that there's no layering and just big pops of color. Fabulous design. Thanks so much for playing around with the Paper Players this week!

  19. I LOVE your take on the colors. I never would have come up with that idea looking at the are so creative!!

  20. Love your typewriter, so cute, and the embossing on the base is so cute. Thanks for having fun with The Paper Players this week.

  21. This is adorable and those colors are fantastic!!!


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