
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pink Wishes

Last one before we hit the airport!  This card (which is for this week's Colour Throwdown challenge) didn't come out anything like I planned.  Once I stamped that Hero Arts background stamp it all changed.  I won the stamp earlier this year and thought it was a bit fussy for my taste but once I saw it on paper today I fell in love with it and I wanted it to take centre stage.


  1. This is beautiful! Lovely clean-and-simple design! Thanks for joining us for the Color Throwdown!

  2. Beautiful card and I agree that background is superb. Love the CAS design too :)
    Hope you enjoy your trip, I have an award on my blog for you when you get back :)
    Jenny x

  3. Jen, this is so CAS and so gorgeous! That background landed at my door today and I can't wait to ink it up. Have a safe trip and I'll see you tomorrow!!

  4. I'm thinking you are in Toronto now! So fun! This is gorgeous! I love that beautiful!

  5. Yep, totally gorgeous! I love the design you used and the background stamp--wow! Lucky you for winning that. Have a fun trip!

  6. This card is awesome Jen! Love that tone on tone, and what a fabulous stamp,I'm so glad you embraced it! (now I want it)
    Have a safe trip. Oh, and have some too!

  7. Ooh, so pretty. And a really cool way to mix up stamps from different companies too!

  8. Oooo, the tone-on-tone effect is beautiful! I love that color of pink :)

  9. Very pretty, Jen! The background almost looks like one of those velour type wallpapers! Almost 3D! Hugs xxaxx

  10. So simple and SO elegant. I love your balance of these rich colors.

  11. Stunning! Love the wonderful simplicity. Perfection. :)

  12. You got a shout out at Color Throwdown! And very well-deserved! This is such a simple card but absolutely gorgeous!

  13. what a pretty card - love the pink background!!


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