
Saturday, July 23, 2011

ColourQ Ribbon Circles

Another multi-challenge card today - I'm on a roll with these lately!  I started out working on a card for this week's ColourQ challenge and then realised that my use of Unity stamps and ribbon meant I could enter it in two Unity challenges:  All Things Unity's Twine Ribbon challenge and Unity's Circles, Circles, Circles challenge.
Supplies:  CS: SU & Craft Supply; Stamps: Unity; Inks: Memento & SU; Ribbon: Making Memories; Punches: Marvy Uchida (2 1/2" circle punch), McGill (5/16" hole punch); Die: Nesties Lacey Circles; IP: PTI; Copics: Y08, YR07, G14
As always, I love the bold colours from ColourQ and I wanted to make the most of them. The dotted circle with the flower is from "Think Happy Thoughts" (KOM May 2011).  Not sure what set the sentiment is from as it came as a freebie.  I don't use ribbon all that often which is sad considering how much of it I own (but it looks pretty hanging on my wall!). Glad I finally managed to work some into a card.  Only about a million yards to go! 

Hope everyone is keeping well hydrated in this crazy heat.  We're off to Canada next weekend and I'll not be happy if it's hotter there than it is here!  Have a wonderful evening!


  1. I have about a million yards of ribbon too, and it looks pretty sitting on my shelf. Your card is beautiful, I love the addition of the colored dots. So glad to see you got some impression plates too!

  2. Such a fun card - these colours really are super. Love the way you've used the ribbon!

  3. LOVE the colored dots--what a clever way to add color! BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks so much for playing along and joining in the fun over at ATU!

  4. Jen, This is beautiful. I love the polka dots...and you know I love a big yummy bow :)!

  5. Hi Jen, Your card is bold and yet the delicate center element goes so well. Love your ribbon treatment! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

  6. Wow I love that blackcurrent colour base card and thee ribbon weaving is great. Yep I'm not good at using ribbon either but have can join in with Less is More this week and use some more :)

    Jenny x

  7. Depends on where in Canada you are going! Ontario might be a tad on the hot side! I hope you have a fabulous trip.

    This card is aweseome! I love the little circles of cardstock you added to the embossed part, and the ribbon looks SOOOOO good weaved in that die.

  8. Fab card Jen! Such a clever thing to thread the ribbon... and those coloured dots are super cool! Love it!

  9. Cute! You are right about great minds with the purple base...... Have fun in Canada. I have never been there but would love to go as I only live 3 hours from Montreal. Maybe some day! LOL!

  10. Oohhh, aaaah, yup, this card made me say that 'cause it's that awesome! I love the look of the impressed background and the way you filled in some of the circles with coloured cardstock. The ribbon looks fantastic, too!

  11. VERY cool! Love it! Thanks for playing with the CQC this week!


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