
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Awesome Circles

I love the colours of this week's Play Date Cafe challenge and the cool picture that goes along with it.  This PTI impression plate was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the picture and the card came together pretty quickly after that.  Some Cuttlebug action, some fussy cutting, a few gems and voila!  Awesome.  :)
Despite the heat we took the dogs for a short walk this morning.  There are a ton of feral chickens in Bermuda and we usually pass a few groups (flocks?) of them when we go for our walks.  Normally they take off at the sight of us.  This morning, however, we came across a momma and her chicks.  As usual, Atticus was straining at his leash, wanting to check them out.  This momma didn't run though.  She did not appreciate the looks Atti was giving her babies and before I knew it she was in his face squawking and pecking and slapping him with her wings.  The look on Atti's face was priceless!  He had no idea what to make of this pissed off female and finally jumped behind me for cover!  Satisfied that she'd made her point, momma hustled her babies across the street, tossing a few choice clucks over her shoulder.  I'm guessing Atti got the message though as when we passed a few more chickens later on, he slowed down and graciously let me lead the way!  That's my boy - 90lbs of wimp!    


  1. I just entered my card at PDCC and this 'awesome' bright card caught my eye, and it's you again! Love it!!
    Your story reminded me of the Gary Larson comic... 'The Chickens are Restless', maybe I'd better lock up my chooks!

  2. This is such a cool card! I just love how you arranged the circles here, and the colors are awesome, perfect take on the inspiration piece!!!

  3. You layered this card absolutely fabulously! Love your Atti story...I can completely visualize the scene...too funny!

  4. Fantastic card Jen, love those bold circles...such a great take on the challenge :)
    Love the chuck story...he sounds like our dog when we meet a cat with attitude :)
    Jenny x

  5. I'd hide from a momma chicken too! Your card is so fun and cheerful...fantastic idea!

  6. what an awesome design - love how you embossed the circles. and can't wait to see what you do with your new pod stamps!!!

  7. Wow Jen, this card is brilliant! Bright bold and tons of fun!

  8. What a giggle story! Thanks for sharing a fun moment in your day. And ... what an amazing card! So unique! Hugs xxaxx

  9. WOW, Jen!!!!!! This is an awesome CAS card, love the punch it packs using our challenge colors. Thanks for playing with us at The Play Date Cafe this week. :)

  10. Awesome is right! Loving how you used that impression plate with the giant circles - so unique. Thanks for playing along at The Play Date Cafe.

  11. I am totally digging your card! I LOVE that impression plate and how you cut the colors. Sooo cool!


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