
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Missed It Again

I am cursed when it comes to the Just Add Ink challenge.  I seem to miss it every time!  This week's challenge was Just Add Friendship.  I combined it with this week's sketch at The Sweet Stop.  At least I'm in time for that one!  :)

Supplies:  CS: SU Cherry Cobbler & Not Quite Navy; Stamps:  Unity & Hero Arts; Inks: VersaFine Onyx Black; Dies: Nestabilities; Punches: Woodware; IP: Cuttlebug
I'm continuing to explore my new Unity stamps.  This girl stamp is from their April 2009 Kit of the Month.  I got a great price on a secondhand set (thanks, Diane!).  There's so many images with each set it's going to take me a while to get through them all but I could think of a lot worse ways to spend my time!  :) 


  1. Great color choices and perfect stamp for the circle!

  2. The stamps from two different companies work perfectly together!! Great choices!

  3. Awww, I love how you used these stamps, Jen! The colours and sketch are perfect for the sweet image and sentiment.

  4. awww, this is VERY SWEET, Jen! I'm glad you like the stamps :)

  5. LOL Jen! I am so glad you missed it ... perhaps I wouldn't have got my 'top pick' if you had entered this one! It is just the sweetest! Love the colours! Kim directed me here ... I will be bookmarking for sure! Hugs xxaxx

  6. What a sweet card! I love that sentiment and how you rounded it. :)


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