
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Easter Wishes

The colours for ColourQ Challenge #78 are very sweet and girlie - ie not me!!  I was going to give this week a miss but I've missed their last 2 challenges so I thought I'd suck it up and go girlie!  :)  I went for an Easter theme after finding these wooden rabbits in the Craft Cave.  They came from the UK (I think my mom bought them for me when she was over there a couple of years ago) but I'm not sure who makes them.  They're cute and surprisingly light and I have some flower shapes as well.  You may see some more of them in the near future! 

Supplies:  CS: SU Early Espresso & Pink Pirouette, PTI Kraft; Stamps: Hero Arts & Elzybells;  Thread: Making Memories; Unknown:  Bunny & buttons


  1. Cute, definitely girly. Great way to frame that bunny.

  2. Very cute Easter card! Thanks for joining us at CQC! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a cute little bunny, Jen! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

    Sorry about the delete, I had not finished my sentence and I hit the wrong key and it published!

  5. So cute and perfect for those colours! I love the wooden rabbit.

  6. Jen, this is so super cute! Great job with this weeks colours. That little green rabbit is adorable, and those buttons really balance the card out. :)

  7. Aw, this is very cute---even if you think it's girlie! Thanks for playing with the CQC this week!


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