
Monday, April 25, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

Thankfully the prediction of wind and rain for the weekend turned out to be completely wrong.  We had 3 gorgeous days.  Saturday was spent cleaning the house, mowing the yard and cleaning patio furniture in preparation for a BBQ that night.  Sunday Luis and his friend Ruben finished patching and painting the roof (as seen in the photo below).  It's now a blazing white - need sunglasses to look at it!  LOL!  Emily asked if there was a particular reason we use white paint.  Traditionally a lime wash was used on the roofs which helped to cleanse the water.  Nowadays a non-toxic paint is used.  I guess now you could paint the roof any colour but the white is traditional and also helps to keep the houses cool.
The dogs got long walks and swims every day which they were thrilled with.  I was thrilled too as we had some returning visitors down at the dock.  There's a gorgeous parrot fish that comes around now and then and I hadn't seen him for a while.  You can't quite tell from this picture but he's at least 2 feet long.
Our octopus has also come back!  He was living under our dock for a while but I didn't see him at all last year.  Yesterday he came out of his hole for a wander around and nearly got run over by Atticus when he charged along the shallows to get his toy.  The poor octopus inked everywhere and took off back to his hole!  You can see a bit of him sticking out of the hole in the picture below - the reddish-brown splotchy bits.  I'll try and get some pictures next time he's out and about.  
I actually managed to get some cards done yesterday too.  My friend's birthday is coming up so I made her a little set of cards with one of my favourite Hero Arts sets.  They'll be winging their way to the Cayman Islands hopefully in time for her birthday in May.
One last shot.  Lynn was talking about her sleepy boys in this post and I had 2 sleepy boys last night too!  I found Jem in our bed when I went to change the sheets.  I dragged all the bedding off the bed and onto the trunk at the foot of the bed and he never budged!  When kids crash they really crash!   


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend! Our rain didn't arrive either & our beaches were just fantastic! (I managed to get there around work)
    Your friend is very lucky to be getting this wonderful set of cards, love the CAS style with those lovely bright colours!

  2. Hah....your sleepy boys are very sweet...I am sure they loved all the fresh air. What amazing octupus...amazing! I love your cards...great set and that Hero set is awesome...keeping thinking about that one!

  3. Jen it looks so idyllic where you live - Bermuda... some place the rest of us fantasize about :) Love your set of cards, gorgeous.

  4. You've got some of the pretties and funniest creatures around (including your pup there!) but I really came to comment on those absolutely perfect CAS telephone cards.

  5. Love this colorful set of CAS cards! The little gems below the sentiment are the perfect finishing touch. Great photo of your sleepy pup, too!

  6. *Cool* phone card! Okay, I'm officially a fan!

  7. Ok - so I live and breath for a clean, simple card set! Those phones, those colorful borders...I just love it! Great job!


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