
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Top 5 Tuesday - Ice Cream

Top 5 Ice Creams
1.  Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup
2.  Maltesers ice cream bar
3.  Wahoo restaurant's caramel gelato
4.  Ben & Jerry's S'Mores
5.  That generic soft serve ice cream - vanilla & chocolate mixed together!


  1. Jen,
    This is a cute post that you are doing on Tuesdays. My favorite ice cream is Cherry Garcia from Ben & Jerry's!

  2. OK I've never had Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter cup but I have a feeling it would be a close 2nd. My fave is Cherry Garcia as well!
    I love your Tuesday Top 5 idea! I can learn more about you while getting some fabulous recommendations. :)


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