
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Less Is More

The Less Is More challenge blog is only in it's 4th week but it already has a huge following.  This is my first time joining in  and I doubt it will be my last.  The challenge this week is a recipe: 3 squares.  I used colours inspired by last week's ColourQ challenge.  I didn't manage to play along with that one but I love the bright colours and will definitely be using them again.
Supplies: Card Blank: The Stamp Pad Co; Stamps: Hero Arts squares and sentiment & The Paper Source images; Ink: SU Rich Razzleberry, Wild Wasabi & Pacific Point
The Hero Arts funky frame stamp was given to me by a friend a few years ago and this is the first time I've inked it up.  I love the doodliness of it!  The Paper Source stamps were part of a set I bought in 2007.  I think I've mentioned before how much stash I have hoarded and I am determined to stop buying and start using.  I'll post some Craft Cave pics one day soon so  you can see how out of hand it has become.  Part of the hoarding has to do with the fact that I don't have any local stores I can pop out to when I need something.  I have to order everything online.  Due to shipping costs it's not economical to order just one thing here and there so I tend to do bulk orders and always go overboard.  I'm a bad, bad stash hoarder.  Is there a stash hoarder's anonymous I can join?


  1. LOL, I'm part of the stash hoarder's club but mostly for patterned paper. ;) It's a good thing you hung on to that funky frame stamp because it's fabulous!

  2. I think I need to join as well....
    Your card is lovely, great color distribution.

  3. If there was such a thing as Hoarders Anonymous, I think it would be a very large club!
    Welcome to "Less is More" Jen, I'm so glad you decided to join us.
    That certainly is a great frame stamp, as you say it is very doodley! It might have been an idea to add some doodley dots around the images too, to tie them in with the frames. Now that you have metaphorically dipped your toe in the water, we hope to see you every week!
    "Less is More"

  4. Super card Jen, love your colour choice

    If you start a 'hoarding' club, put me down lol
    We have grown thanks to people like you...we so appreciate your continued support
    Thank you
    "Less is More"

  5. Great card Jen, love that doodle border.

  6. My name is Kathy and I'm a stash hoardaholic!!!!

    Lovely card btw - LOVING the doodley squares



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