
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Easter Eggs

Another multi-challenge card today.  The colour palette at Just Us Girls this week is perfect for Easter - lovely soft, spring colours.  I paired the colours with this week's sketch from Waltzingmouse.  I also used PTI's Make It Monday technique of adding colour to non-neutral cardstock.  

Supplies: CS: SU Baja Breeze, So Saffron, Soft Sky, Pink Pirouette, white; Stamps: Elzybells; Ink: SU  Baja Breeze, Memento Tuxedo Black;  Other: PTI die, Making Memories string, Basic Grey & Doodlebug bling, Copics
I stamped the eggs on to SU cardstock and coloured them with Copics.  (Not sure where that egg stamp is from.  Perhaps Doodlebug?).  You can't really see it in the picture but I twisted together pink, blue and yellow embroidery thread for the banner string.

I'm sitting here second guessing myself now and thinking that maybe I should have used coloured card instead of a white card.  Or maybe not.  The white space just doesn't look quite right somehow.  Not quite balanced maybe...  Thoughts?  


  1. Jen, I think we are always are own worst critics! Love how you strung the adroable. Thinking about the white space, but have no suggestions...I like the CAS designs. Maybe just make it one banner for the sentiment instead of two...but again I really like it!

  2. I love your little egg banner! Great job coloring them and I love the added sparkle of the rhinestones! Thank you for joining us at Waltzingmouse Sketch this week!

  3. I think your card is very cute. I like it as is, but wonder what it would look like if you had patterned paper for the background. Or even used an impression plate. But, really, it's nice as is.

  4. Your egg banner is just too cute! Love how you used the JUGs colors! Thanks for playing with Just Us Girls!

  5. I think your card looks great as is. It screams spring!

  6. I'm with Lynn on this, I love the CAS! Those splashes of color make me happy! :)

  7. So pretty! I too love the CAS design! Love it! Thanks so much for playing along with Just Us Girls!

  8. I think this is just great. I love the colours you've used (I missed this challenge) and the wonderful easter egg banner - great card!

  9. Oh my gosh, I LOVE your easter egg banner! What a fabulous idea. The colouring of the coloured cardstock is perfect for them! Gotta say I love all of the white. It doesn't look empty at all. :)

  10. What an absolutely clever idea!

  11. What an adorable banner...great job! :)

  12. Hi Jen, I found you over at Scrap Girls, loved your card and clicked on it and here I am. Such a fun card! Great job. I love banners!

    I was laughing when I was reading your profile. My scrap room is in my basement and my friend and I scrap their often and she calls it it the scrap cave!! We have something in common.


  13. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! What an EGGcellent Easter card: I love it! LOVE your combo of inspiration and stellar use of JUST US GIRLS colors: yipeee! Thanks for sharing your talent with US!

  14. This is so cute, Jen! The little banner of eggs makes me smile!

  15. Eeek! Your sweet little egg banner is adorable! They look like little paper lanterns! Thanks so much for playing with Just Us Girls!


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