
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Curtain Call Colour Challenge: Act 71

I'm really enjoying these colour challenges but I'm going to have to order some more Stampin' Up paper pretty soon.  I seem to be going through it at quite a clip!  I made another one of my no-sentiment cards using the above colours from Curtain Call Act 71.  I also christened my Martha Stewart butterfly punch although I was a bit disappointed with it.  I had hoped it would make a cleaner cut but I spent quite a bit of time tidying up the edges of the butterflies.  I tried punching through some tin foil to sharpen up the punch but it didn't seem to make that much difference.  Has anyone else had this issue or did I just get a dud punch?
Supplies: Cardstock: SU Cherry Cobbler, So Saffron, More Mustard, Crumb Cake; Stamp: PTI - Asian Fusion; Ink: SU Cherry Cobbler;  Punch: Martha Stewart; Copic: W-3


  1. Oh, Jen, this is absolutely gorgeous!! I love the way you used those colours. You are so creative!

  2. I have the same problem with that punch, but I am so glad you persevered because I LOVE this idea of a bouquet of butterflies!

  3. So pretty. Love the butterflies. I think it's the design of the punch. Mine doesn't do a perfect job either. Great use of the colors. Thanks for playing along with us at Curtain Call. :o)

  4. This is such a cute design! I can imagine your frustration with your butterfly punch, as mine is the same. I thought it was just the weight of the cardstock I was using, but it doesn't punch well through thin paper, either. Oh well, yours turned out gorgeous anyway!


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