
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

RIP Scout

Scout was my first dog.  Due to her rough start in life she was never an easy dog but she was my girl and I loved her.  She has been through so much with me in the last 8 years and I credit her with getting me through the break-up of my first marriage.  When all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep away the rest of my days Scout would give my hand a nudge and remind me that she needed things from me.  We took a lot of long therapeutic walks together.  She always knew when I needed a cuddle and didn't mind when my tears got her fur all wet.  Over the years she's made me laugh and also occasionally made me want to throttle her but she was always there.  Even with 2 other dogs at home the house now seems empty and probably will for a long time.  Rest in peace, Baby Girl.    


  1. I am so sorry Jen. Thinking of you.

  2. I came over to see if you were back from your vacation and saw this terrible news. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jen. These are super sweet photos of Scout. We all have memories of pets who got us through the bad times and vice versa. It's obvious how much you loved her.


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