
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Toot Toot Toot!

Yes, that is the sound of me blowing my own horn because I am a Wee Memories Fab Four winner this week!  Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!  Okay, deep breath.  Sorry, just very excited.  I entered 2 cards in this particular challenge (which was to use ribbon on your card).  The funny thing is that the general consensus among commentors on that post (including 2 Wee Memories DT members) was that the non-winning card was the favourite.  Interesting...  You never can tell!  Thank you so much for putting a big ol' smile on my face today, Wee Memories!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Jen!! This is well-deserved. I loved both of your cards and I'm happy to see that badge on your sidebar! :D


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