
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My View

Lynn asked if I live right on the water and the answer is yes.  We're lucky enough to have a beautiful view across the harbour to the town of St. George's.  My family moved into this house when I was 5 years old.  When I came back from the US it was just my mom here (my brother lives in Chicago now).  It's too big a house for just one person and real estate here is ridiculously priced so we renovated it into 2 apartments.  It's a split level house so it lent itself well to the reno.  Luis, the hounds and I now live downstairs and mom is on the upper level.  It's worked out well because, on a practical note, between property being so expensive and us having 3 big dogs, it would be tough to find another place.  Also, on the plus side for mom, she doesn't have to worry about the property maintenance anymore as Luis and I take care of all that.  Anyway we are all very content with the arrangement and very grateful to have our own little piece of the rock to call home!  :)  

Here are a few different shots of the view and the house:

Everyone always asks but no, this hasn't been Photoshopped!

Luis down on the dock before we painted and fixed the BBQ chimney (right foreground)

Halfway through painting last fall.  After years of turquoise (or green as my mother insists!) we went dark blue last fall.  Love the new colour!


  1. Oh, to wake up to that view everyday! I'll be on the next plane... assuming our airport has restocked on de-icing fluid. They ran out during this week's bad weather. :) Thanks for sharing. It looks lovely and sounds like the arrangement is perfect for both you and your mom. You're both very fortunate!

  2. Jen, your house is gorgeous and I LOVE the colours! I've been to many of the islands but not Bermuda (yet). One day for sure! ;) Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful place to live. Looks idyllic!

  4. Oh I just LOVE the pics! When my husband and I vacationed in Bermuda, BOTH of our cameras broke! We have very few pictures so we have been talking about coming back! We LOVED it there but having to ride a scooter because we couldn't rent a car was a little scary! I think I'll need a Dark and Stormy to ride a scooter again!

  5. Oh...thanks so much for sharing! Stunning! My 20 year anniversary is in 2012....maybe we need to come back to our honeymoon spot!

  6. You have recently been commenting on my blog and I am SO glad you have, because now I have discovered your blog! Oh my gosh - your view!! I am looking out my window at dirty snow, dead trees and ice patches. And your dogs!! I do have two regular kids but a bunch of fur babies also - and they are definitely a part of the family as I have to push them out of the way to crawl into bed! And I love your cards - a style I adore - not too much stuff, but the perfect combo of color, style and stamps. I'll be back often!!


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